
4 result(s)
Important administrativement
by Louise   on Jun 06
Dès que tu arrives en Allemagne, tu devras aller voir AOK, le service d'assurance maladie allemand, pour qu'il te délivre un papier selon lequel tu n'as pas pas besoin d'assurance maladie allemande car tu es assuré dans un autre pays de l'UE, il te faudra ta carte européenne d'assurance maladie aussi avec. Aussi en Allemagne, tu dois t'inscrire auprès des mairies quand t'arrives donc hésite pas quand t'arrives à demander à des profs ou quoi pour qu'ils t'expliquent comment faire parce que c'est différent selon les Länder !
The issues I faced
by Jérémy   on May 17
I did not encounter any particular problems with the administrative procedures when I arrived at the University of Alcalá. They had an ERASMUS coordinator who was in charge of the individual reception of international students, I remember that I arrived in June to prepare my arrival in September and he had already welcomed me in his office with my father who had accompanied me. I was able to meet him again when I arrived and during the day of presentation of the university to the Erasmus students which takes place in the Paraninfo, place where the Cervantes prize is awarded.
Every student will receive a buddy (local student) after acceptance. Students find a course catalogue and information how to fill out their Online Learning Agreement on the website. The course structure is always the same: 30 ECTS studio work in the Art Department (other courses might be added) and 20 ECTS main project (plus other minor courses) in the Design Department. All information is available here: https://www.burg-halle.de/hochschule/studium/international-office-akademisches-auslandsamt/incoming-exchange-students/
Help french students to get familiar with the university in Italy
by Alice   on Sep 08
During my third year at the University in Turin, some french friends starded their first year of mobility. In Italy university works in a very different way than IEP in Bordeaux so I help them to understand how they can choose courses and organize their two semesters in Turin. "In Italy students have to be very independent in organizing their student life!" They told me. I was pleased to help them.